
The best movie collection
The most outstanding music playlist
Exciting sporting events
A great assortment of online games
An extensive collection of audiobooks appropriate for all age groups

1 - User-Centric Design

Our user-friendly interface is designed with the customer in mind. We prioritize the needs and preferences of our users, making it easy for them to navigate and access our extensive content library. Our platform is built to provide a hassle-free and enjoyable experience for all.

2- Entertainment for the Whole Family

Discover a World of Family-Friendly Content! From captivating movies and heartwarming music to engaging games and delightful audiobooks, our collection offers wholesome entertainment options suitable for all ages. Explore now and create cherished memories together.

3 - Global

We're an innovative digital entertainment company with a global reach. Our main goal is to offer an outstanding experience by delivering the freshest and most current content to audiences worldwide.

At the core of our company is a commitment to innovation. Our goal is to deliver the latest and greatest content, making every interaction with our platform an unforgettable experience for our users.

At the heart of our mission is the commitment to bring the world's streaming content together, providing a seamless, personalized, and limitless entertainment experience. We aim to be your one-stop destination for all your streaming desires.

Our employees are the driving force behind our mission. United by a common purpose, we work cohesively to eliminate the barriers between streaming services, striving to create a platform that encapsulates unity, diversity, and simplicity.

About company ilustration About mission ilustration About people ilustration
About company ilustration About mission ilustration About people ilustration
What is AV-protected?

AV-protected is a complete streaming service that provides our users with unrestricted access to a wide collection of movies, music, games, and audiobooks, allowing them to enjoy an integrated entertainment experience.

What Is the monthly cost of service?

The price can vary based on your geographical location.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription through the membership section of the website or by contacting our customer support staff.

Is AV-protected suitable for kids?

Yes, AV-protected provides a variety of content for children and families.

On which devices I can use Av-Protected?

AV-protected is meant to be convenient. Our streaming service is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and desktops, allowing you to use your favourite entertainment anywhere you go.